Creating a Healthier Valley for Us All

Our mission of bettering the lives of all those we serve requires more than just medical care. It means working beyond hospital walls to partner with community groups who are feeding those experiencing food insecurity, educating new moms about prenatal care, and helping meet the basic needs of community members who are unhoused. It means investing to attract the brightest medical minds, to expand horizons for children and to enhance support services for patients and families.

$216.7 million

in uncompensated care, medical education, outreach and patient support services was provided by Community in Fiscal Year 2024 to create a healthier Valley for us all.

Our Community Investment Breakdown

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Shortfall in Medi-Cal and Medicare reimbursements

Government programs are underfunded and overextended, only covering about 86% of patient care costs while enrollment continues to boom, placing the cost of care on hospitals.

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In charity care to uninsured and underinsured patients

Community does not turn away anyone in need of care, regardless of their ability to pay, providing medically necessary services to patients at no cost.

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Invested in training
student nurses in our facilities

Community is the regional leader in providing clinical experiences through partnerships with 20 universities and colleges.

public health needs


Invested to address our public health needs

Funding programs that improve community health, reduce disparities and promote wellness across all ages, creating a healthier future for our region.

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Invested in training
physicians in our facilities

Community is the largest contributor to graduate medical education in the Valley, helping train about 300 medical residents and fellows in partnership with UCSF Fresno.

Help Support Our Mission

As a nonprofit charity, every donation is reinvested back in to our mission of bettering the lives of all those we serve.

Join us in shaping quality healthcare in the Central Valley. Together, we can make a difference.


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