The Place to Practice Medicine

In a region that’s chronically short of primary care physicians and specialists, we’re striving to support and encourage more doctors to choose the Valley as the place to practice medicine. Our five-county service area has about 47 primary care physicians per 100,000 residents, far below the recommended 60-80 physicians per 100,000 residents. 

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Community Provider Network, part of Community Health System, is committed to supporting physicians in delivering exceptional patient care. Through a wide range of healthcare services and optimized resources, we empower our provider partners and enhance patient care across the Valley. 

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Our medical foundation, Community Health Partners, includes over 475 providers in 55 practice locations, serving Valley families at every stage of life. Our mission is to provide high-quality care and state-of-the-art resources for our physician partners and, most importantly, for the patients we serve.

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Total patient visits

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Growing Access to Primary Care

  • Launched 4 urgent care clinics
  • Launched Chronic Care Management Program
  • Launched Dementia Clinic

Growing Access to Specialty Care

  • 85+ neuroscience providers in 5 clinics in Fresno, Clovis and Visalia
  • Established transitional clinic in partnership with United Health Centers to offer follow-up care to patients discharged from hospital


In fiscal year 2024 Community invested

$37M in medical education

While the federal government pays a portion of graduate medical education (GME) costs through Medicare and Medicaid payments, it only pays for a limited number of residency positions, falling 80% short of the current UCSF Fresno training costs. Community’s 50-year partnership with UCSF Fresno has created a pipeline for training physicians to help ensure high-quality, affordable care is available to our underserved populations.

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Residents & fellows trained at Community in fiscal year 2024

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of physicians who trained at UCSF Fresno choose to practice in the Valley

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Community physicians trained at UCSF Fresno

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About 220 medical students

with the California Health Sciences University (CHSU), a private institution offering doctoral degrees through its College of Osteopathic Medicine, rotate through Community Health Partners’ practices as a significant part of their training in family medicine.

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